I finally got the tires from the swap consider mounted, every bit good every bit the household never took off the old weights, (new weights are zinc mostly, every bit good every bit clearly, you lot lot tin hand the axe consider the old direct weights inwards the higher upwards photo) every bit good every bit didn't supersede the valve stems, so, they are all the same inwards my car, every bit good every bit all the same not orbit to seat on the garage dodge. But the tip from Zach every bit good every bit Rita, this week, every bit good every bit you lot lot other readers lastly calendar calendar week every bit good every bit the previous week, have made it possible for me to teach the whole projection underway, every bit good every bit supersede the terribly dry out out rotted tires that had been on the automobile for the past times 15 years (though, really, they were fine until lastly month) So, hand thank you lot you! I sure enough appreciate it! Jesse Sumber https...